Three teenage boys Yong-ju, Gi-Woong and Gi-Taek, were once best friends
in middle school, but they become estranged from each other once they
enter high school. While Yong-ju and Gi-Taek still remain close,
Gi-Woong becomes a jjang (Korean slang term meaning "best"), one of the
strongest fighters in the school, and begins to hang out with
Seong-jin's gang (Seong-jin's parents are powerful figures, making him a
bigwig among his schoolmates). Yong-ju becomes concerned when he finds
out that Seong-jin's gang is mercilessly bullying Gi-Taek, an eccentric
manhwa fan. Under intense pressure to get into a prestigious university
because of his financially struggling single mother, Yong-ju develops an
unlikely relationship with Gi-Woong, who tries to break away from
Seong-jin. But when Gi-Taek learns that Yong-ju is gay, he betrays his
friend and joins Seong-jin's gang in ostracizing him, telling them that
Yong-ju has loved Gi-Woong for years.
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